2 research outputs found

    The search for the mdr1-1螖 mutation of the MDR1 gene in four canine breeds in Uruguay (preliminary study)

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    Objective. The objective of this study is to analyze the frequency of mdr1-1螖 mutation in German Shepherd, Doberman, Border Collie and Greyhound dog breeds in Uruguay. Materials and methods. A total of 95 animals from the four breeds mentioned above were studied. DNA was isolated from blood using potassium acetate with a subsequent degradation from RNA with RNAsaH. The concentration and quality of the DNA obtained was evaluated with a Nanodrop, ND-1000 spectrophotometer. To determine the presence or absence of the mdr1-1螖 mutation, DNA samples were sent to Gene Seek, Neogen Corporation of Chicago, United States, for genotyping. Results. In all 95 animals studied, the mdr1-1螖 mutation was not present. Conclusions. Based on the preliminary results obtained, other elements that may cause adverse drug reactions must be considered: unidentified mutations in other regions of the MDR1 gene; mutations in other genes involved in the transport of drugs from the same subfamily or another; mutations in enzymes involved in drug metabolism (e.g. Cytochrome P450). Moreover, especially with Border Collies and Greyhounds, it is advisable to increase the number of animals in the study. Key words: Dogs, ivermectine, P-glycoprotein (Source: CAB)

    The search for the mdr1-1螖 mutation of the MDR1 gene in four canine breeds in Uruguay (preliminary study)

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    Objective. The objective of this study is to analyze the frequency of mdr1-1螖 mutation in German Shepherd, Doberman, Border Collie and Greyhound dog breeds in Uruguay. Materials and methods. A total of 95 animals from the four breeds mentioned above were studied. DNA was isolated from blood using potassium acetate with a subsequent degradation from RNA with RNAsaH. The concentration and quality of the DNA obtained was evaluated with a Nanodrop, ND-1000 spectrophotometer. To determine the presence or absence of the mdr1-1螖 mutation, DNA samples were sent to Gene Seek, Neogen Corporation of Chicago, United States, for genotyping. Results. In all 95 animals studied, the mdr1-1螖 mutation was not present. Conclusions. Based on the preliminary results obtained, other elements that may cause adverse drug reactions must be considered: unidentified mutations in other regions of the MDR1 gene; mutations in other genes involved in the transport of drugs from the same subfamily or another; mutations in enzymes involved in drug metabolism (e.g. Cytochrome P450). Moreover, especially with Border Collies and Greyhounds, it is advisable to increase the number of animals in the study.Objetivo. En este trabajo se realiz贸 la b煤squeda de la mutaci贸n mdr1-1螖 en caninos de las razas Ovejero Alem谩n, Doberman, Galgo y Border Collie de Uruguay. Materiales y m茅todos. Se estudi贸 un total de 95 animales, de las cuatro razas caninas mencionadas. El ADN se aisl贸 a partir de muestras sangu铆neas empleando acetato de potasio 8M con posterior degradaci贸n de ARN con RNAsaH. Se evalu贸 la concentraci贸n y calidad del ADN en un espectrofot贸metro Nanodrop, ND-1000. Para conocer la presencia o ausencia de la mutaci贸n mdr1-1螖, los ADN de las muestras extra铆das se enviaron a Gene Seek, (Neogen Corporation) de Chicago, Estados Unidos. Resultados. En ninguno de los 95 animales estudiados se encontr贸 la mutaci贸n mdr1-1螖. Conclusiones. Dados los resultados preliminares obtenidos, se deber铆an considerar otros elementos que puedan causar reacciones adversas a f谩rmacos: mutaciones aun no identificadas en otras regiones del gen MDR1; mutaciones en otros genes que intervengan en el transporte de medicamentos de la misma subfamilia u otra; mutaciones en enzimas que participan en el metabolismo de los medicamentos (ej. Citocromo P450). Por otra parte, y en particular en las razas Border Collie y Galgo es aconsejable aumentar el n煤mero de animales en estudio